User’s guide


Run this role to install and configure Ansible. Optionally, install Ansible plugins, checkout repo with the source code, and download the Ansible release notes.


The most convenient way how to install an Ansible role is to use Ansible Galaxy CLI ansible-galaxy. The utility comes with the standard Ansible package and provides the user with a simple interface to the Ansible Galaxy’s services. For example, take a look at the current status of the role

shell> ansible-galaxy role info vbotka.ansible

and install it

shell> ansible-galaxy role install vbotka.ansible

Install the library

shell> ansible-galaxy role install vbotka.ansible_lib

and install the collection if necessary

shell> ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

See also

  • To install specific versions from various sources see Installing content

  • Take a look at other roles shell> ansible-galaxy search --author=vbotka


Below is a simple playbook that calls this role (10) at a single host (2)

 1shell> cat ansible.yml
 2- hosts:
 3  gather_facts: true
 4  connection: ssh
 5  remote_user: admin
 6  become: true
 7  become_user: root
 8  become_method: sudo
 9  roles:
10    - vbotka.ansible


gather_facts: true (3) must be set to gather facts needed to evaluate OS-specific options of the role. For example, to install packages, the variable ansible_os_family is needed to select the appropriate Ansible module.

See also


To see additional debug information enable debug output in the configuration

ma_debug: true

, or set the extra variable in the command

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -e ma_debug=true


  • The debug output of this role is optimized for the yaml callback plugin. Set this plugin for example in the environment shell> export ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=yaml.

  • See details about the yaml callback plugin shell> ansible-doc -t callback yaml

  • See list of other callback plugins shell> ansible-doc -t callback -l


The tags provide the user with a very useful tool to run selected tasks of the role. To see what tags are available list the tags of the role:

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml --list-tags

playbook: ansible.yml

play #1 (   TAGS: []

   TASK TAGS: [always, ma_ara, ma_config, ma_debug, ma_devel,
   ma_devel_repo, ma_devel_rnotes, ma_pip, ma_pkg, ma_plugins,
   ma_plugins_download, ma_plugins_extract, ma_plugins_link,
   ma_plugins_lists, ma_plugins_path, ma_plugins_test_inikeys,
   ma_repo_path, ma_rnotes_path, ma_sanity, ma_src_path, ma_vars,

For example, display the list of the variables and their values with the tag ma_debug (when the debug is enabled ma_debug=true)

 shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_debug -e ma_debug=true

Create directories

 shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_plugins_path,ma_src_path,ma_repo_path,ma_rnotes_path

See what packages will be installed

 shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_packages --check

Install packages and exit the play

 shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_packages


Test single tasks at single remote host test_01. Create a playbook

shell> cat ansible.yml
- hosts: test_01
  become: true
    - vbotka.ansible

Customize configuration in host_vars/test_01/ma-*.yml and check the syntax

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml --syntax-check

Then dry-run the selected task and see what will be changed. Replace <tag> with valid tag.

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t <tag> --check --diff

When all seems to be ready run the command. Run the command twice and make sure the playbook and the configuration is idempotent

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t <tag>

Install Ansible package

There are three options:

  • Install OS-specific packages

  • Install PyPI package

  • Install PyPI package in Python virtual environment

By default, nothing will be installed:

ma_pkg_install: false
ma_pip_install: false
ma_venv_install: false

By default, the options are mutually exclusive

ma_sanity_pip_exclusive: true

Install OS-specific packages

Dry run the installation and see what will be installed

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_pkg -e ma_debug=true -e ma_pkg_install=true -CD

If all is right install the package

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_pkg -e ma_debug=true -e ma_pkg_install=true

See also

Install PyPI package

Dry run the installation and see what will be installed

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_pip -e ma_debug=true -e ma_pip_install=true -CD

If all is right install the package

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_pip -e ma_debug=true -e ma_pip_install=true

See also

Install PyPI package in Python virtual environment

Dry run the installation and see what will be installed

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_venv -e ma_debug=true -e ma_venv_install=true -CD

If all is right install the package

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_venv -e ma_debug=true -e ma_venv_install=true

See also

Configure Ansible


Configure Ansible <WIP>.

See also

Install Ansible plugins


Install Ansible plugins.

See also


Ansible devel


Ansible development <WIP>.

See also



The default variables are stored in the directory defaults. OS specific variables are stored in the directory vars/defaults.



 2# default vars for ansible
 4ma_pkg_install: false
 5ma_pip_install: false
 6ma_venv_install: false
 8ma_packages_state: present
 9# ma_packages see vars/defaults
10ma_pip_packages_state: present
12  - name: ansible
13    state: "{{ ma_pip_packages_state }}"
15ma_debug: false
16ma_backup_conf: false
18ma_supported_linux_family: [RedHat, Debian]
19ma_pip_extraagrs: --user --upgrade
21# Sanity
22ma_sanity: true
23# Test ma_pip_install, ma_venv_install, and ma_pkg_install are mutually exclusive
24ma_sanity_pip_exclusive: true
25# Test ma_owner is defined
26ma_sanity_pip_owner_defined: "{{ ma_pip_install }}"
27# Test ma_pip_executable exists
28ma_sanity_pip_exists: "{{ ma_pip_install }}"
30# FreeBSD
31freebsd_install_retries: 3
32freebsd_install_delay: 10
33freebsd_install_method: packages
34# freebsd_install_method: ports
35freebsd_use_packages: true
37# Linux
38linux_install_retries: 3
39linux_install_delay: 10
41# pip
42pip_install_retries: 3
43pip_install_delay: 10
45# venv
46ma_virtualenv: $HOME/env
48# Config
49ma_config: []
50# ma_config_type options: template, lineinfile, ini_file
51# See tasks/configure.yml
52ma_config_type: template
53ma_config_template_default: ansible-auto.cfg.j2
54ma_src_path: /usr/local/ansible/src
56# ARA
57ma_ara: false
59# Plugins
60ma_plugins_paths_list: []
61ma_plugins_path: /usr/local/ansible/plugins
62ma_plugins: []
64  action_plugins: defaults
65  cache_plugins: defaults
66  callback_plugins: defaults
67  connection_plugins: defaults
68  filter_plugins: defaults
69  httpapi_plugins: defaults
70  inventory_plugins: defaults
71  lookup_plugins: defaults
72  netconf_plugins: defaults
73  strategy_plugins: defaults
74  terminal_plugins: defaults
75  test_plugins: defaults
76  vars_plugins: defaults
78# Devel
79ma_devel: false
80ma_devel_owner: root
81ma_repo: false
82ma_repo_version: devel
84ma_repo_dir: /scratch/ansible-git
85ma_rnotes: false
87ma_rnotes_core_dir: /scratch/ansible-release-notes/core
88ma_rnotes_core_list: ["2.14", "2.15", "2.16"]
90ma_rnotes_build_dir: /scratch/ansible-release-notes/build
91ma_rnotes_build_list: ["7", "8", "9"]
93# EOF

Best practice

Test syntax

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml --syntax-check

Display and review the variables. Then disable debug ma_debug=false to speedup the playbook

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_debug -e ma_debug=true

Install OS-packages ma_pkg_install=true or PyPI packages ma_pip_install=true. Optionally, install the packages in Python virtual environment ma_venv_install=true. Then disable the installation to speedup the playbook

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_pkg -e ma_pkg_install=true

Create directories. The following check would fail without the directories

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_plugins_dirs,ma_src_path

If you want to download the repository and the release notes create also these directories

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml -t ma_repo_path,ma_rnotes_path

Run the playbook in the check mode and review the changes

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml --check --diff

If all seems to be right run the playbook. The role and the configuration data in the examples are idempotent. After the installation and configuration completed there should be no changes reported by ansible-playbook when running the playbook repeatedly

shell> ansible-playbook ansible.yml